Locationally Inconsistant Internet Ramblings

The brain-farts of a Developer on the move, usually about the nerdy bits of nomad life.

Quitting my job to travel the world (again)

A few more years pass, another post about my next dramatic (to me at least) life change. I’m starting to think this is going to be a 5-yearly occurrence at this point. Better than a 7-year-itch I suppose.

December 15th, 2023 - Life, Meta, Travel, Journaling & Personal

Testing out a new deployment system

This is a test, please don’t ignore! Or well, you can, but it’s only a quick one, all about how I’m trying to hack together some static-site publishing from my ipad.

May 3rd, 2022 - Devops, Infra & Vps

Managing your terraform across multiple environments

You’re managing your cloud infrastructure using Terraform. You’ve got your first environment up and running and you’re already reaping the benefits of a codified infrastructure. Changes are easy. But, now you need to set up a second environment (staging, prod, whatever) and you’re finding that managing this is not straight forward. There’s a bunch of arguments to remember every time you switch between environments, and your switching a lot because you want to keep them in sync. Because this is hard you tend to use auto-complete, but then sometimes you forget to change something and accidentally apply prods config to staging. Well, as in many occasions, a Makefile can probably help you there.

January 1st, 2021 - Dev, Infra, Devops, Software-Development & Tech

Minimum Viable Journaling

Along with the million other things I’ve been trying over the past year of seeking self-improvement, journaling is one of the ones I’ve had partial success with (well, more than zero-success at least). Here’s some implementation detail on my setup and how I’ve kept it as bare-bones as possible, backed-up in the cloud and, most importantly for my tin-foil fetish, secure.

April 28th, 2020 - Dev, Journaling & Writing

The easy way to view web certificate info (probably)

This is a quick little post about how I realised that there’s a nice and easy way to view detailed information about a web certificate available to most sensible people: Firefox TL;DR: code This is a built-in feature of firefox: click on the little padlock icon in the address bar when visiting any website using TLS, select the view cert info and a new tab will open displaying info about the cert.

March 24th, 2020 - Dev & Devops
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